Searching for & Saving Records

How to properly search records in ArtCloud

Search ArtCloud records to check for duplicates and existing Artists, Inventory, Contacts, and so-on.

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Searching by All

When searching files in ArtCloud, users should not just type in a name and hit search. We recommend that users choose the filter type and then type in the search option. For example, I am going to search for our inventory record, Dark Dock by Kristina Andes with the Title filter:

Searches across dashboards will need to be filtered first in order to find results.

Individual filters across ArtCloud permit partial search terms using the 'Contains...' logic.

Searching by All

We do offer the capability to search Inventory records with the All filter:

This All filter will provide users the ability to search across all filtered fields on inventory records based on a "Starts with..." logic.

For example: If we need to find an inventory title based on the first word in the Title, we can perform this search using the All filter. I'm going to look for Dark Dock by Kristina Andes using this All filter:

As I type this Title into the All filter, there are two options that appear: 

Starts with "Dark Dock"
Dark Dock.....TITLE

The first is a partial entry result based on the "Starts with..." logic. The second is the true Title result. I've chosen the true Title result to find the inventory record.