Feature Suggestion

Submit a Feature Suggestion

Have some ideas on how ArtCloud can improve? Let your voice be heard with ArtCloud's Suggestion Feature!

Here at ArtCloud, we do our best to create a gallery management system with features that every gallery owner can use. Through using ArtCloud's Suggestion Feature, you can suggest improvements to our products (ArtCloud Manager, ArtCloud Website Builder, ArtCloud Marketing Pro +, and the ArtCloud Marketplace). To find the Suggestion Feature, click on your profile photo in the bottom-left side of your page. Click Account Settings to navigate to your Settings panel.

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Once there, and click the Feature Suggestion navigation tab. 

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After careful review, our team will follow up with you with an email on whether or not your suggestion has been rejected or accepted.

DID YOU KNOW? Sometimes we take on custom development work for clients looking to solve a specific business need outside of the ArtCloud development roadmap. Contact us at support@artcld.com to get a quote.