Optimize your sales with multiple currency display
Quick Jump To Guide:
How do I add in multiple currencies?
How do I display multiple currencies in my account?
Can I add multiple currencies to my invoices?
How do I display multiple currencies on my website?
If someone purchases from my website, are they paying in that displayed currency?
ArtCloud allows customers to display multiple currencies on invoices and websites by enabling currency settings within the platform. This feature ensures that prices appear in various currencies across invoices, product listings, and checkout pages.
IMPORTANT: This feature in ArtCloud is for display of the currency conversion only. If Stripe is enabled and payment is processed, processed funds will automatically convert to your default currency through Stripe. Read more here.
How do I add in multiple currencies?
To ensure multiple currencies can be displayed on your website or on invoices, you will need to add these currencies into the account. This can be done in Account Settings, under Configuration, on the Exchange Rates tab.
After clicking on Add Rate, select the currency type you'd like to add an Exchange Rate in for. We'll be adding CAD into our account:
After selecting a currency, you will need to input the current exchange rate between your default currency (the currency in which your business processes transactions) and the new currency you are adding. For instance, if your account is set to handle sales in USD, you would need to determine the exchange rate between USD and CAD. Currently, this rate stands at 1.44, meaning that for every US dollar, it is equivalent to 1.44 Canadian dollars.
NOTE: Currency exchange rates change based on a myriad of economic factors. The rates added into ArtCloud will not change automatically. These are manual and would need to be manually adjusted as you see fit.
Depending on how you want to display your currency, you can also set up custom rounding, too. We'll leave this setting as No Rounding for now.
You can include more exchange rates in your account based on the different currencies you want to showcase. Be sure that the exchange rates you input reflect the conversion rate from your default currency, which serves as the reference point for all conversions.
How do I display multiple currencies in my account?
ArtCloud gives you the ability to display a singular currency type for inventory records and across the Manager, however, you can display these prices on customer-facing collateral and the website.
You can manage the default currency symbol for your account by adjusting the settings in the General tab of the Configuration section, ensuring it accurately reflects your primary currency.
In order to adjust this on collateral (Tearsheets, Invoices, Pricelists, etc...), a token or tokens will need to be added into these collateral types to represent this conversion through the Collateral Builder.
Once in Collateral Style of Account Settings, we're going to add the display currency (CAD) on our Tearsheets. We're going to edit our default Tearsheet template, Logo Centered.
After clicking to edit the template, we'll click on the Item Container housing all of the inventory meta information, including Pricing, and Edit Item Content:
Next, we'll click into the inventory meta information in order to adjust our pricing token(s):
Notice we already have a {PRICE} token displaying here. This is the representative token for our retail pricing added to our inventory, but we need to add in our CAD display pricing.
First click into the Item Meta editing space to place your cursor. You'll want to place your cursor in the space where you want to see your display pricing. Since we want CAD to display below our {PRICE}, we're placing our cursor right below this token.
Click on the Insert Token dropdown menu and select Alternate Prices. We'll see a list of currencies to choose from. We're going to select CAD:
NOTE: You can select as many currencies as you'd like here. Please note, only currencies with Exchange Rates in the account will actually surface here.
Next, select Insert Group. You'll see the {ALTERNATE_PRICES} token surface here with your selected currency or currencies:
IMPORTANT: This feature in ArtCloud is for display of the currency conversion only. If Stripe is enabled and payment is processed, processed funds will automatically convert to your default currency through Stripe. Read more here.
Can I add multiple currencies to my invoices?
Yes! Once an invoice is created and both Exchange Rate and an {ALTERNATE_PRICES} token has been added to your Invoice collateral (see steps above under How do I display multiple currencies in my account?), you can display your invoice prices in your desired currency.
Click on the Exchange Rate toggle on the Invoice to choose the currency you want to display your invoice:
Based on the currency type chosen, you'll automatically see that Exchange Rate take priority as display over your default currency amount. Your default currency will still display, however it will be deprioritized in grey text.
IMPORTANT: The Price associated with each inventory line item on the invoice will remain in your default currency. The converted amount will appear below it. This design ensures that your default currency accurately represents the actual price of the item as it relates to your business operations.
How do I display multiple currencies on my website?
Similar to how you might add the {ALTERNATE_PRICES} token to your collateral in the Manager, you can add the same token structure to your website.
For our example, we'll add CAD into the inventory cell across our Artist Profile pages. Once on the Artist Profile Page Template and with the inventory block itself chosen, we're going to click on the Edit Style Guide Cell Design button.
NOTE: If your inventory blocks on the website are enabled with the Style Guide, you can also make this adjustment from the Design tab through the Style Guide > Cell Design.
Once editing the specific Cell Design, click into your inventory meta block and place your cursor where you want the Alternate Price to appear:
Next, click the Insert Token dropdown, select the currency (or currencies you want to display), and select Insert Group.
Make sure to save your changes using the blue Save button in the top right! You'll want to ensure you're saving across the Artist Profile Page Template until you're back in Page Templates.
If someone purchases from my website, are they paying in that displayed currency?
No matter if someone purchases from your website or from a remote pay link off of the invoice itself, payments will always be processed in your default currency. In our case based off of the example used above, this would be USD, not CAD.
Since Stripe is the payment processor for these sales, Stripe handles all currency conversion. You can read more about how Stripe is performing this here.
IMPORTANT: This feature in ArtCloud is for display of the currency conversion only. If Stripe is enabled and payment is processed, processed funds will automatically convert to your default currency through Stripe. Read more here.