Artist Record - Payments

Record, edit, & share Artist Payments

Keep track of your payments made to your Artists

Quick Jump To Guide:
How do I record an Artist Payment in ArtCloud?
How do I edit or delete an Artist Payment? What happens if I do?
Where can I see a summary of the payments owed to my Artist(s)?
How do I share the Artist Payments made out to the Artist with my Artist?
Can I send real payment to my Artist?

ArtCloud allows users to log payments made to Artists for the sale of their pieces. It is also possible to edit or delete these payments once they’ve been made. This can be done on both the Consignment report and on the individual Artist's record in Manager.

NOTE: It is important to note that ArtCloud allows users to log artist payments, not process them. This means that it can be used as a tool to keep track or take note of what what payments are made to artists, but money cannot be sent to artists through the platform. This differs from, say, Invoices, which can be processed through the platform.

How do I record an Artist Payment in ArtCloud?

Artist Payments (Artist fees, Artist commission fees, remittance, etc...) can be recorded in ArtCloud through the Consignment report or through the Artist's individual record.

Once on the Consignment report, we can click Show Items on one of these line items, we'll see all of the sales that had occurred within that time frame related to that Artist, along with individual prompts to Add Payment for the sale of that inventory item:

You can also record / manage the Artist Payments owed to an individual Artist on the Artist's record in Manager under the Payments tab:

How do I edit or delete an Artist Payment? What happens if I do?

You can edit or delete Artist Payments on the Artist's record or on the inventory record the payment was recorded for. Once on the record, click the Show button to see more details about the payments recorded for the item, and hover over the payment line item and select either the editing pencil or red trash can. The editing pencil will give you the control to edit the amount recorded. The red trash can will give you the ability to delete the recorded payment altogether:

You can see these options on the Inventory record as well, under the Financial tab, towards the very bottom of the record:

The platform is active and live when adjustments are made, including Artist Payments. If an Artist Payment is deleted, it's expected to see that the payment for the sale of an item still owed. In addition, if an Artist Payment is edited, you'll see this adjustment reflected across the entire account.

Where can I see a summary of the payments owed to my Artist(s)?

Depending on the time frame associated with the sale of the inventory item for the Artist, you can see what is owed, what has been paid, and more through the Consignment report. As with all Analytics reports, it's important to place a date range on the report first to see this data.

For example, in the below screenshot, you can see all of the Artist's owed their Artist Payment(s) within that specific time frame, Week to Date:

How do I share the Artist Payments made out to the Artist with the Artist?

Consignment reports and Consigner .PDFs can be sent to Artists through the Consignment report. Once the time frame is established and the Artist is pulled up (either from the overview of all Artists or individually filtered), hover over the Artist's line item to see the Actions menu. From here, you can export the Consigner .PDF with chosen columns for export or you can Email to Consigner and the platform will automatically place a default Consignment report for that Artist as an attachment on a new email message.

Here's an example of a Consigner .PDF after export:

The gallery logo will be placed on the top, the date of export will surface, and each item sold in that time frame will be illustrated along with any columns you've opted into the export.

Can I send real payment to my Artist?

Unfortunately, no! Not at this time. Payment should be made externally. ArtCloud only offers manual payment recording functionality.