Audiences - Pro+

How to create a list of recipients for your Campaigns with Audiences - Pro+

Compile a customized Contact list for sending your Campaign


Please note: this is a Pro+ feature for both Artist and Gallery accounts. To see the subscription tiers and what each tier offers, please visit our Pricing page.

If you'd like to learn about upgrading your account, please feel free to reach out to our team in ArtCloud Support!

are segmented lists of Contacts from your Account. They can be connected to Campaigns, and an Audience is required to send a campaign.

To create an audience, first hover over the Contact navigation item on the left side of your screen, and click the Audiences item underneath.

Once on the Audiences List view, click the Add Audience button at the top-right of the screen.

Once a new Audience List is created, you can name your audience, see your Audience Count at the top-right of the screen, and an Add another filter... dropdown. By adding filters, you can reduce your audience down to specific contacts that fit specific criteria. Prior to adding any filters, the Audience Count represents the total number of contacts in your account.

Please note: When you first create an Audience and have not applied filters, by default, all contacts in your account are a part of that Audience list.

As an example, let's filter through the Contacts on this list by Sales. This filter allows you to pare down contacts by the amount that they've spent with the gallery. To start, we'll name this Audience "$10,000+ Buyers", and filter by contacts that have spent at least $10,000 with our gallery.

Below our filters, we can now see that several contacts have populated a table.

Multiple filters can be added to narrow contacts down further. Next, we'll add a City filter to narrow our audience down to people that have spent at least $10,000 with our gallery that also live in the city of Atlanta.

Now, our Audience Count has dropped, because we are targeting a more specific audience.

Please note: Features like Audiences are one of many reasons why address information for Contacts must be separated into their proper fields during the Contact Import process, rather than entering an entire address in one field.

Now, your Audience can be selected and assigned to your Campaign on the Setup tab when you create your Campaign.