Getting Started - Marketplace

How to sell more on the ArtCloud Marketplace

Best practices for selling more artwork on the ArtCloud Marketplace

Keep your inventory current

As with any social platform, the more active you are, the more you're likely to show up in collectors' feeds. Regularly adding artwork, you regularly show in people's feeds on the ArtCloud Marketplace.

The ArtCloud Marketplace has no special algorithms that favor certain galleries or artists over others. The Marketplace defaults to show the newest works first when no filters are applied. Consistently adding new work is important so you don't get buried in the feed!

Enable purchasing options

Catching collectors in buying mode is much easier when they can quickly input their credit card and purchase a piece directly through the Marketplace. Enabling purchasing functions gives them this opportunity. 

To enable the purchasing functions, you'll need to have a paid ArtCloud subscription & enable payment processing.

Stay connected

ArtCloud's Marketplace is a social space! The more you connect, the more likely you are to engage with Collectors who want to purchase artwork from you:

  • Follow other artists and galleries, especially when they follow you first
  • 'Like' artwork in the marketplace; 'liking' other people's artwork helps get your profile and artwork on their radars

Virtual Install

Buying artwork can be difficult — especially before seeing it on a wall or in person. With the Virtual Install feature available on each inventory item, you can virtually place artwork in any room to see how it looks. It's great for Instagram posts and to share with interested buyers. Here's more information on how to use the Virtual Install function.

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Share on social media

You can share artwork from ArtCloud directly to Instagram, Facebook and other social platforms.

We also suggest linking to various artworks in the bio of your Instagram account, enabling Instagram visitors to see and buy your art.