Feature Suggestion

Submit a Feature Suggestion

Have some ideas on how ArtCloud can improve? Let your voice be heard with ArtCloud's Feature Suggestion portal!

Here at ArtCloud, we do our best to create an inventory management system with features that every Gallery and Artist can use! You can suggest improvements to our products (ArtCloud Manager, ArtCloud Website Builder, and the ArtCloud Marketplace).

To find this, click on the Support dropdown in the Navigation menu and click "Request a Feature":

How does ArtCloud review Feature Suggestions?

Our team regularly combs through the suggestions made through this portal space, and we will update our users through statuses on these requests. You will see the following status types:

Under Review: our team is looking into this feature right now and investigating possible implementation of feature/adjustment
In Progress: our team is taking this feature/adjustment on, and we are working on building this. It will be added into the platform.
Complete: this feature/adjustment is done and live in the account

Does ArtCloud implement every suggestion or request?

No, unfortunately. Our team always wants to implement solutions that can solve pain points for multiple customers. This doesn't mean that your suggestion doesn't matter! A majority of the time, other customers may experience similar pain points, so getting your thoughts into Feature Suggestions will help with visibility of your concern, allowing other customers to vote and ultimately, allow our team to know how the entire customer base feels.

The platform can't change without you and your voice!