Getting Started

What is an Artist Interested Contact?

Who are these contacts? How do contacts become "Artist Interested"?

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How does a Contact become Artist Interested?
Where do I adjust the Artists my Contact are interested in?
How do I use this Artist Interest feature?

The ArtCloud platform offers a range of automated features that enable you to market to your customers more efficiently and effectively. One of these features is Artist Interested Contacts, which allows you to automatically gather and connect with customers who have a specific interest in your Artists's works.

How does a Contact become Artist Interested?

There are a few ways Contacts can become Artist Interested:

  • When Contacts inquire about artworks from your website or the Marketplace or the Contact makes a purchase of your Artist's inventory item, they will automatically become associated as Artist Interested Contacts.
  • When emailing out collateral, there is a check box that will be checked on by default that will associate the Contact as an Artist Interest.
  • You can manually associate your Contacts with specific Artists of their interest as well. This is super helpful if you're just getting started on the platform.

Where do I adjust the Artists my Contact are interested in?

You can see the Artists your Contact have interest in on their Contact record in Manager via the Interests tab.

Artists can be added to these Artist Interests via the blue Add Artist Interest button. Artists can be removed from these Artist Interests by hovering over the line item and clicking on the red trash can that appears.

How do I use this Artist Interest feature?

Since this Artist Interest feature is an automated platform behavior, it allows you to track data about your Contacts that will allow you to more easily market to your customers! For instance, if a website visitor inquires about a piece by your Artist, the platform tracks that they have an interest in this Artist.

When you're sending out a New Arrivals email for this artist, this website visitor will be included in that email send automatically. You don't have to track this manually. The more website inquiries you have, the more data the platform can gather. The same goes with purchases on invoices. As long as the Contact is associated with the inventory item (either through an inquiry, a purchase, or even an email with collateral), the platform can track their interest in this Artist.

If you're a Website Pro Plus subscriber, we even offer a Follow Artist block that more seamlessly allows you to gather these marketing leads.

Another great use of Artist Interests is with Audiences. In Manager Pro Plus, ArtCloud offers the ability to generate filtered lists of Contacts for managing. These Audience Lists can be associated with marketing emails known as Campaigns. One of the filters available in Audiences is Artist Interest, where you can pare down your list of Contacts by the Artist they're interested in. 

If you're interested in learning more about Manager Pro Plus features or Website Pro Plus features, check out our pricing pages here (Galleries / Artists) or reach out to our ArtCloud Support team at to learn more!