
What is an inventory status?

Learn how ArtCloud helps automate your workflows by assigning status to your inventory

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What is a status?
What statuses does ArtCloud offer? What do each mean?
How can I see the status of my inventory?
What are the automatic actions that ArtCloud performs based on these statuses?
Why are statuses important?
Can inventory have more than one status?
How do they impact my website?

What is a status?

ArtCloud assigns specific status values to the inventory items managed in ArtCloud Manager based on their current state. Is the inventory item sold? Can the work be sold? Is the inventory item historical in the account? Statuses help differentiate this use.

All inventory have a default status of Active when manually adding works into ArtCloud. The default status may be different when importing inventory, but this is dependent on the system that you're migrating from or how the .CSV import template is configured.

What statuses does ArtCloud offer? What do each mean?

ArtCloud currently offers 3 main statuses for inventory records: Active, Inactive, and Sold.

Active: the piece is available for sale in inventory
Inactive: the piece is not available for sale in inventory
Available: the piece is either Active or Inactive, but the item is not on an invoice
Sold: the piece has sold by being on an invoice

How can I see the status of my inventory?

Inventory statuses can be seen in ArtCloud Manager on both the Inventory List View or the individual inventory record.

Statuses are represented with various color dots on the Inventory List View in Manager:

Red indicates that the work is on an invoice or Sold. Black indicates that the work is Inactive.
No dot means that the work is Active.

Pro Tip: You can hover over the red dot status indicator on this List view in order to see which the invoice this item is currently on.

When reviewing the specific inventory record, you can see what status the work is in towards the top of the record:

What are the automatic actions that ArtCloud performs based on these statuses?

As you use your account, you'll see some automated behaviors occur within ArtCloud related to the inventory status:

Placing inventory on an invoice / when works are sold through the Marketplace or Website:
The inventory status will change from Active to Sold & Inactive

Adding inventory to an Inventory Return List:
The inventory status will change from Active to Inactive

Even though these behaviors occur automatically, inventory statuses can be manually adjusted per piece. However, the above listed default behaviors are not adjustable in platform.

Why are statuses important?

Statuses are essential for keeping track of whether the works are available in the account for inquiry or sale. The red and black status indicator dots are visual cues when looking at the inventory from the List view to help you make quick decisions. In addition, Statuses can be filtered on in the Inventory List View:

Can inventory have more than one status?

Yes! Inventory can hold both a Sold status and an Inactive status or a Sold status and an Active status.

When inventory is placed on an invoice, the inventory item gains both statuses of Sold and Inactive. However, it's not usual to see a Sold inventory with an Active status. If you're seeing an inventory with both Sold and Active status, the record may have been manually overridden.

How do they impact my website?

Since ArtCloud's Website Builder and Manager product work together, behaviors occurring in the Manager have direct impact on how you see inventory on the website. Learn more about how to work with these statuses on your website.